Our Services

IREC Sertifikasyon Danışmanlığı

Uluslararası REC Standardı (The International REC Standard), I-REC, International REC Standard Foundation tarafından…

While scrutinizing and improving all your management systems together, we ensure that you have an integrated perspective with our technical and operational experience.

With our years of experience in the operational field and at international levels and our competencies at both national and international levels, we create tailor-made solutions for you to establish occupational health and safety management systems in all industries ranging from automotive, paint, food, transportation and so on.

 We give you a versatile and operational perspective with our long-term experience in the operational field and on international levels, and with our international certifications which crown this experience.

We design tailor-made reporting processes with our operational experience blended with our management experience, our dominance on both financial and non-financial data, and our international competence in reporting processes.

We present you social impact reports with our management experience, versatile perspective, independent and internationally enriched trainings, and a holistic perspective that are all necessary to evaluate.

We determine your primary waste resources with analyzes of waste points, with international and national regulations, and with technical and managerial experience gained in the operational field for many years and provide you with the most appropriate waste disposal methods.

With our competent consulting staff and field experience, we offer tailor-made solutions for your carbon footprint determination and personalized reporting.

 As professionals who have been on both sides of the table, we quickly identify the expectation and offer you tailor-made solutions by combining our competence and experience with our international certificates