• Communication and behavior are the most important cornerstones of the occupational safety culture and permanent cultural changes cannot be achieved if operational improvements do not affect behavior.
  • We measure your organization’s Occupational Safety Development Level and establish systems for operational, technical, and behavioral improvement.
  • We guide you to make Occupational Health and Safety a value in your organization, to ensure that it is handled at the beginning of all processes, to create a vision of occupational safety by considering all human and managerial factors with a proactive perspective and to improve occupational safety behaviorally.
  • We integrate Occupational Health and Safety practices into your processes, we set your goals and we take the Occupational Health and Safety practices within your organization to the highest level with top management commitments and employee engagement practices.
  • We ensure the integration of corporate culture and Occupational Health and Safety culture.


Why Sachi? With our years of experience in the operational field and at international levels and our competencies at both national and international levels, we create tailor-made solutions for you to establish occupational health and safety management systems in all industries ranging from automotive, paint, food, transportation and so on.