Our Trainings

According to Thomas Edison, “Training is to the soul what a sculpture is to a piece of marble”. Knowing the
importance of training for the development of individuals, Sachi Consultancy aims to support both individuals
and entities through their development processes with detailed, tailor made and comprehensive training
According to the Goal 4 “QUALITY EDUCATION” By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and
skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for
sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of
peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution
to sustainable development
Achieving inclusive and quality education for all reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful
and proven vehicles for sustainable development. This goal ensures that all girls and boys complete free
primary and secondary schooling by 2030. It also aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational
training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher
As Sachi Consultancy, we aim to contribute to all cultural



1 – Corporate Sustainability Expert Certification Program

About raining:

Organizations know that they can no longer be successful and competitive by guiding their activities only with
profit-oriented goals, plans and strategies. For the success of an entity, it is necessary to measure and improve
the performance of environmental and social indicators as well as financial indicators. This brings together
factors such as being permanent in the market, increasing customer satisfaction, establishing good relations with stakeholders, and increasing brand value. To achieve this, entities should prepare themselves to
transition to a corporate sustainable business model.

The purpose of the Corporate Sustainability Expert Certification Program is to increase the knowledge and skills of the entities so that they can determine the steps to be taken in line with the UNDP Sustainable
Development Goals and to provide their own sustainability planning approach and to develop experts on

This program is carried out with partnership of Bursa Uludağ University.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual

Training Content

  • Module 1 – Introduction to Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Module 2 – Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
  • Module 3 – Corporate Reporting Strategies and Sustainable Performance
  • Module 4 – Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Green Deal and Sectoral Impacts
  • Module 5 –Circular Economy
  • Module 6 –Sustainable Finance
  • Module 7 – Social Impact Assessment
  • Module 8 – Environmental Right & Sustainability on Legal
  • Module 9 – Energy Management on Sustainable Development
  • Module 10 – Sustainability on Agriculture
  • Module 11 – Best Practices

Training Duration




2 – Corporate Sustainability Training

About Training

Sustainability has an increasing impact on companies, investors, consumers, employees, and countries in business models.  The process, which has been reshaped with the COVID-19 epidemic, has created many opportunities as well as some risks. A process that was previously created with only a customer request or a simple benefit expectation is now indispensable for long-term economic returns within the scope of new generation modelling. Creating a sustainable impact and balancing this impact is becoming the primary goal of companies.

The purpose of the Corporate Sustainability Training is to inform the employees to enable them to effectively implement the sustainability strategy within the organization in the transition to the sustainable business model, which is the new business model in the ecosystem they are in today.

The Corporate Sustainability Training is designed tailor made according to the companies process and expectation.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Sustainability Concept and Definition
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Business Strategy – Sustainability Oriented
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment
  • Impact Analyses
  • Sustainability on Supply Chain
  • Sustainability Reporting

Training Duration




3 – Sustainability Awareness Training

About Training

Sustainability has an increasing impact on companies, investors, consumers, employees, and countries in business models.  The process, which has been reshaped with the COVID-19 epidemic, has created many opportunities as well as some risks. A process that was previously created with only a customer request or a simple benefit expectation is now indispensable for long-term economic returns within the scope of new generation modelling. Creating a sustainable impact and balancing this impact is becoming the primary goal of companies.

The purpose of Sustainability Awareness Training is introducing the concept of sustainability, explaining the new business model, the sustainable business model, and informing about the integration of the concept of sustainability in the corporate strategy.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  1. Sustainability Concept and Definition
  1. Climate Change
  1. Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Business Strategy – Sustainability Oriented
  1. Circular Economy
  2. Carbon and Water Footprint Calculation
  3. Life Cycle Assessment

Training Duration




4 – Sustainable Development Goals Training

About Training

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 SDGs are integrated — they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Countries have committed to prioritize progress for those who’re furthest behind. The SDGs are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and discrimination against women and girls. The creativity, knowhow, technology, and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.

The purpose of the Sustainable Development Goals Training is to use the SDGs as a guide to become an institution that has adopted sustainability-oriented business strategies and to learn the ways of activating the SDGs in strategies in turning risks into opportunities.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content:

  • Sustainability Concept and Definition
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Sustainable Development Goals & Sustainability
  • Sustainable Development Goals & Business Strategy
  • Sustainable Development Goals & Business Performance
  • Process & Sustainable Development Goals Integration
  • Sustainable Development Goals & Stakeholders
  • Sustainable Development Goals & Employee Engagement

Training Duration




5 – Sustainable Management System Training

About Training

Since sustainability is a concept that affects many different departments and functions, it can often be difficult to own and effectively manage within the organization. With the establishment of the Sustainability Management System, it is aimed to establish sustainability, environmental and social governance as a business model for the institution and to integrate it into all business processes.

The purpose of the Sustainability Management System Training is to transfer of basic information to help organizations set up their management systems to transition to a sustainable business model.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • ​Sustainable Management System: Basic Concept
  • Business Model: Sustainability
  • Management Approach
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • SWOT Analyses
  • Integration of Current Management System with Sustainable Management System

Training Duration




6 – Financial Sustainability – Sustainable Finance Training

About Training

Sustainability is on the agenda of the whole world and a source of finance is needed for its integration into the business practice. This need is increasing as the increase in investments and infrastructure changes suitable for current climate and environmental systems increases. Since natural events caused by climate change also cause primary economic damage, financing sustainability has now become a necessity.

The purpose of Financial Sustainability – Sustainable Finance Training is to provide generic information due to the nature of the areas where the financing will be used, it includes different options from the traditional financing we are accustomed to, and to ensure that the companies acquire basic information about the concept of sustainable finance while developing their sustainability strategies.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Basic Definitions
  • Financial Institutions
  • Sustainable Finance Tools
  • ESG Criteria
  • ESG on Investment
  • Stakeholder Capitalism

Training Duration




7 – Circular Economy Training

About Training

The circular economy concept is an emerging perspective on sustainability. While minimizing waste generation, it aims to preserve their value for as long as possible by returning materials and resources to the product cycle at the end of their use. Here is the profitability; It is measured by recovering resources from recycling as much as possible and transforming wastes into new resources as much as possible.

The purpose of Circular Economy Training is to enable the participants to start developing sustainable circular business opportunities in their companies by transferring information about resource efficiency, recovery, recycling and industrial symbiosis practices and benchmarking practices

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Business Model on Circular Economy
  • Opportunities on Circular Economy
  • Best Practices

Training Duration




8 – Environmental Sustainability- Zero Waste Training

About Training

The concept of Zero Waste is a waste management philosophy, and its main purpose is to prevent the creation of waste. Zero Waste is a management system that recommends the prevention or minimization of waste generation and, in case of occurrence, separate collection at the source and recycling. Zero Waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention and promoting the reuse of all products. Zero Waste philosophy should be applied to control our waste and leave a clean and liveable world to future generations within the framework of Sustainable Development Principles.

The aim of Environmental Sustainability – Zero Waste Training; is to inform the participants about the general principles, principles and practices of waste management in line with national and international legislation, conveying the current situation regarding solid waste management, and how the wastes of individuals, institutions and enterprises, which are formed after production, application or usage activities, should be managed from production to disposal within the framework of legal regulations.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Basic Principles of Waste Management
  • Zero Waste Philosophy
  • Purpose of Zero Waste
  • Waste Management
  • Best Practices

Training Duration




9 – Carbon Footprint Awareness and Calculation Training

About Training

Carbon Footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Carbon footprint, GHG emissions can be measured by life cycle assessments or other calculation methods. The calculation of the Carbon Footprint enables the determination of the greenhouse gas emission caused by a product or service throughout its life cycle, and its effective management and reduction

Carbon Footprint Awareness and Calculation Training aims to provide participants with basic information about the concepts, approaches and methodologies related to carbon footprint, which is the main cause of climate change.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Climate Change and General Concept
  • From Kyoto to Paris
  • Carbon Management
  • Calculation Methods
  • Scopes

Training Duration




10 – Climate Change and GHG Management Training

About Training

Climate change is the change in the climate due to the increase in the average temperatures measured in the land, sea, and air throughout the year, because of the greenhouse effect, which is thought to be caused by the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, which is formed by the increase in the heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide. Worldwide studies on environment and climate change are carried out with the initiatives of the United Nations Environment Program.

The purpose of the training is to raise awareness about climate change and to give basic information to companies about what they can do by conveying the studies on the subject on a global basis.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Climate Change
  • Local and International Climate Regulations
  • Kyoto Protocols
  • Carbon Market
  • Emission Trade System
  • Reporting on GHG

Training Duration




11 – Life Cycle Assessment Training

About Training

The Life Cycle Assessment approach enables to identify and manage impacts in the entire value chain, starting with the acquisition of raw materials used in the production of a product or service, including all relevant production, shipment, use by the consumer and disposal as waste after use. Life Cycle Assessments is a method used to identify, report, and manage environmental impacts at different stages.

The purpose of the Life Cycle Assessment Training is to provide basic information about approach applications and to provide the participants with a life cycle perspective.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Life Cycle Assessment Approach
  • Definitions
  • Methodology
  • LCA Applications
  • Regulations

Training Duration




12 – Water Management System Training

About Training

Water management or water resources management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing, and managing the optimum use of water resources. As the sustainable use of water resources has become an important environmental issue with the increase in industrialization and population, an institution that successfully manages water will increase water efficiency.

The purpose of the Water Management Information Training is to inform about the concepts of water management, the effects of water use and how it should be managed.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Water Management
  • Some Definitions
  • Evaluation of Water on Economic and Environmental Principles
  • Water Management Program
  • Water Footprint Inventory
  • Water Footprint Impact Assessment

Training Duration




13 – Social Sustainability – Behaviour Based Safety System

About Training

Even if companies set up a management system and allocate resources on Occupational Health and Safety, they sometimes have difficulties in creating a culture despite all the activities and the work done by company employees is not embraced. Today, Occupational Health and Safety is no longer an application where accident numbers are followed, but it is a very important sustainable performance criterion that also affects the reputation of the company and plays a role in the valuation of the company. Occupational health and culture are the habit of the change observed in all employees.

The purpose of Behaviour-Based Safety Management Training is to ensure that the participants play an active role in determining KPI measurements, raising awareness, ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety rules, determining the actions to be taken in matters such as preventing accidents and creating safer workplaces.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Behaviour Based Safety Theory
  • Understating Behaviour
  • Root Causes Analyses
  • Risk & Hazards Management
  • Approaching Employees
  • Correct Question Techniques
  • Rewarding Systems
  • Safety Culture

Training Duration




14 – Corporate Social Responsibility Training

About Training

Corporate social responsibility is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders and society. By applying corporate social responsibility, companies can be conscious of the impact they have on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental factors. It is, however, a continued commitment to behaving ethically and contributing to economic development.

The purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility Training; is to convey the basic information necessary to apply the principles and conditions of social responsibility in institutions and to lay the groundwork for creating a strategy in this regard.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Corporate Social Responsibility History
  • Benefit of Corporate Social Responsibility History
  • Social Responsibility System
  • Global Compact

Training Duration




15 – Social Impact Assessment Training

About Training

Social Impact can be defined as the change that occurs because of an activity or the effects on different people because of a project or program. Social Impact Assessment, on the other hand, is the name given to the process of measuring and evaluating the Social Impact created by all organizations and programs that try to produce social benefits. In other words, Social Impact Assessment collects important information about an organization’s activities and relates this information to the change the organization brings to people’s lives and the environment over a period. Considering the long-term competition, Social Impact Assessment has an important role in finding resources for an organization.

The purpose of Social Impact Assessment Training; is to convey basic information about impact analysis methods and approaches used to understand social value, manage, and maximize social impact.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • Purpose and Scope of Social Impact Assessment
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality
  • Change Theory
  • Assessment Methods

Training Duration




16 – ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Awareness and Internal Auditor Training

About Training

It is designed to refresh the knowledge of the participants about ISO 14001 requirements, to ensure that the standard is understood from the perspective of EU environmental policies, environmental principles, and legal requirements, to review the accepted criteria related to the environmental management system and to enable the participants to gain practical experience with practical applications and to gain participants auditing skills.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

Training Content

  • ISO 14001 History
  • Organizational Concept
  • Interested Parties’ Expectations
  • Process Approach
  • Policy, Target, Action, Responsibilities Planning
  • Impact Assessment
  • Legal Follow Up
  • Internal and External Communication
  • Audits, Audit Types
  • Auditors Responsibilities
  • Auditing Practices

Training Duration




17 – ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System Awareness and Internal Auditor Training

About Training

It is designed to refresh the knowledge of the participants about ISO 45001 requirements, to ensure that they are understood from the perspective of their legal requirements, to review the accepted criteria related to the occupational health and safety management system and to provide practical experience to the participants with practical applications and to gain participants auditing skills.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

  • Training Content

    • ISO 14001 History
    • Organizational Concept
    • Interested Parties’ Expectations
    • Process Approach
    • Policy, Target, Action, Responsibilities Planning
    • Impact Assessment
    • Legal Follow Up
    • Internal and External Communication
    • Audits, Audit Types
    • Auditors Responsibilities
    • Auditing Practices

    Training Duration

    2 DAYS



18 – ISO 9001 Quality Management System and Internal Auditor Training

About Training

It is designed to provide the participants with the necessary basic knowledge and awareness about ISO 9001:2015. It enters our lives as a total of 10 items, 7 of which are applications. In particular, ISO 9001:2015 institutions, developed with the infrastructure of the PAS 99:2012 Integrated management model standard, push the adoption of a more active management model in terms of strategy orientation, risk management, operational planning, development management, efficiency, innovation, and sustainability.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

  • Training Content

    • ISO 9001 History
    • Organizational Concept
    • Interested Parties’ Expectations
    • Process Approach
    • Policy, Target, Action, Responsibilities Planning
    • Impact Assessment
    • Legal Follow Up
    • Internal and External Communication
    • Audits, Audit Types
    • Auditors Responsibilities
    • Auditing Practices

    Training Duration

    1 DAY



19 – ISO 50001 :2018 Energy Management System Awareness and Internal Auditor Training

About the Training

It is designed to contribute to the system establishment and implementation studies by interpreting the Energy Management System Standard items.

The training content may change according to the expectations of the institution/individual and actual developments.

  • Training Content

    • ISO 50001 History
    • Organizational Concept
    • Interested Parties’ Expectations
    • Process Approach
    • Policy, Target, Action, Responsibilities Planning
    • Impact Assessment
    • Legal Follow Up
    • Internal and External Communication
    • Audits, Audit Types
    • Auditors Responsibilities
    • Auditing Practices

    Training Duration

    2 DAYS